Sunday, April 19, 2009

Serious Weekend: Part II

I met my mom and my brother in Concord, NC, today to go the the National Tattoo Association's 2009 convention. I felt under-inked for the first time in a while, which of course made me want to get more work done (the sun coming up makes me want to get more tattoos, so this is not a novel experience). I got a few ideas and solidified my plan to get something nautical/traditional (Sailor Jerry style) on my feet, which will hopefully involve some reference to my grandfather or the ships he was on (he was at Pearl Harbor when the Japanese came for a visit).

Seeing so many tattoos on so many different parts of the body got my brain going overtime, so I have a few more plans in the works, including a vacation* tattoo for this summer (a small circus/freak-related image that I'll get in Milwaukee or Chicago) and one big piece which I won't let myself get until my novel is finished.

So, fun times, and more to come.

*More about vacation in a future post.

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